Ⓒ Stadt Zerbst/Anhalt
Collection Catherine II
The collection, lovingly assembled, found a home in the beautiful former Kavaliershaus, close to the once magnificent residence of the nobles of Anhalt-Zerbst. Stucco ceilings, busts and tile decorations made in Zerbst form the stylish framework of the exhibition. It commemorates the famous daughter of the noble house and summarizes her life and work.
“Catharine II“ is a branch of the museum of the city Zerbst/Anhalt.
Services included in the »WelterbeCard:
Free entrance to the collection
Further information:
Museum der Stadt Zerbst/Anhalt
Schlossfreiheit 12 (Rathaus)
39261 Zerbst/Anhalt
Ⓒ Uwe Weigel
Ⓒ Marit Schaller