Brunnhilde lived 450 years ago in the Middle Ages. With stories, wit and humor, Kornelia Klaus leads visitors through Brunnhilde’s life, giving lots of hints regarding history. Visitors experience the arduous life of a marketeer in a way they’ll never forget. For Brunnhilde wears medieval clothes and is always in a good mood, no matter if it is raining or snowing.
The various tours and lectures featuring Brunnhilde are popular for family reunions, as birthday gifts or as highlights for class reunions. Go on a journey through time and into the old Anhalt dialect, as this marketeer certainly speaks in her native “Anhältsch,” but no worries. She really makes herself understood.
Kornelia Klaus
Ernst-Thälmann-Platz 19
06386 Osternienburger Land
Tel. 0151 58114617