Adventure and cycling route

Sights along the COAL | STEAM | LIGHT | LAKES - Route

Places with industrial history

along the route
Kreismuseum Bitterfeld

Regional Museum Bitterfeld

Visit the Bitterfeld museum detailing almost 800 years of history of the city and its immediate surroundings. Set between the Protestant town church and the historic town pharmacy, this museum is located directly in the centre of Bitterfeld and has existed for almost 125 years.

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From open pits to opem lakes

From open pits to opem lakes

Wonderful recreational and leisure centers have developed where large mining equipment dug into the earth until the end of the last century. Today, numerous mining lakes in the region invite visitors to take a swim, discover nature or enjoy water sports.

ein Windsurfer auf dem Bergwitzsee

Lake Bergwitz

Lake Bergwitz is located south of Wittenberg on the edge of the Düben Heath. As early as the 1960s, the former open pit mine Roberts Hoffnung” (Roberts Hope) became an idyllic lake. Sailors, surfers, stand up paddlers and other fans of activities on the water have fun on about 180 hectares of water.

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Luftausnahme vom Muldestausee

Mulde Reservoir

The edge of the Dübener Heide Nature Park today boasts an exciting and valuable biotope along the Mulde reservoir, providing a habitat for rare and endangered species, while both sailors and surfers glide over the lake. The favorable development of the water quality also makes the lake ideal for fishing.

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Luftausnahme von Ferropolis auf einer Halbinsel im Gremminer See

Lake Gremmin

Five huge lignite excavators escaped scrapping. Today, these steel giants are bearing witness to a bygone industrial era in the „Ferropolis“. In the year 2000, flooding the mine Golpa-Nord near Gräfenhainichen resulted in a recreational area.

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Pegelturm, Segelboot, Goitzsche

Großer Goitzschesee

Der Goitzschesee ist ein landschaftlicher Juwel mit einem breiten Angebot für Wassersportler, Erholungssuchende und Naturliebhaber. Er lädt Besucher zum Baden, Radfahren, Segeln, Tauchen und Surfen ein. Mehrere Badestellen, das Wassersportzentrum und ein moderner Wakepark bieten beste Voraussetzung für Wassersportler.

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